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Act 9 [Black Shoes]

~Pictures at an Exhibition: The Ancient Castle~

9. AKT

~Bilder einer Auustellung: Alten Schloß~

Once upon a time...

...there lived a girl who liked to dance.

The girl put on a pair of red shoes...

...which made her dance forever.

The girl kept dancing all day and night...

Oh wait, that's a different story.

However, it might not be completely different.

Mytho How you feel about me...

I want to know that.

Tutu I...


Ahiru I'm a duck.

Just a bird, in reality.

But what the prince sees in his eyes is princess Tutu clad in a pretty dress.

That's not me.

Rue I, just now... What was I?

Ahiru Some things don't change, even after a sleepless night.

Rue-chan and Mytho look good together.

Fakir's a jerk.

I'm a bird.

The sky outside the window is always so spacious...

No problem!

Class 'Morning!

Rue I am Rue.

Aside from that, I am no one else.

Always, until now.

And from now on till forever...

Mytho Rue.

Rue What?

Mytho I want to know.

Do I like you, Rue?

Rue Say that you like me?

Mytho I like you, Rue.

Rue Mytho, you like me, you know.

Mytho I like you, Rue.

Is that really true?

Rue It's true!

Mytho Then, what is this feeling I get when I think of Tutu?

Rue Tutu...

Mytho Hey, Rue, what am I really-

Rue You don't need to know that!

Pique Isn't this bad?

Lilie It's bad!

Pique What's going to happen to them?

Lilie A catastrophe? Is it going to be a catastrophe?

It's a catastrophe, right?!

Fakir With these hands... I tried to pierce Mytho's heart.

For Mytho... I believed that was the best thing for him.


Now Mytho wants his heart to be returned to him...

What can I do when I can't stop Mytho?

When I think about what I can do now...

It basically amounts to accepting my fate.

Without fear...


What am I scared of...?


Pique How about the pizza parlor?

Ahiru Huh?

Lilie You don't know?

It's the red building on Church Street.

Ahiru I didn't know... but what's so special about this pizza parlor?

Pique What are you talking about?!

Ahiru Huh?

Lilie It's obvious!

Ahiru What?

P&L Revenge!

Ahiru Huh?

What revenge?!

Pique For your confession, of course!

Ahiru Huh?

Lilie Now that Mytho-sama and Rue-chan are in a catastrophe...

It's your chance!

Ahiru Huh?

What do you mean?

Lilie You see, your confession was a little lacking last time, wasn't it?

Ahiru No...

Pique So you're going confess again!

Ahiru Umm!

Lilie Or maybe get rejected again?

Ahiru That's not what I mean!

What is this catastrophe?

Lilie Let go!

Pique It's what created this chance!

Ahiru I can't do this!

Lilie Have guts!

Silly Ahiru, don't roll down the hallway!

Pique That was your fault!

Lilie Really?

Neko You again, Ahiru-san?

Rolling down the hallway... If you keep this up...

You'll have no choice but to marry me!

Ahiru Ah, I'm sorry!

Something's rolling down the hallway at a frightening pace...

P&L What?

Pique Yagiko-sensei!

Lilie If you roll down the hall, you'll have to marry Neko-sensei!

Furuhon You've come to read that book again?

Pique Well then, why don't you invite him to your house?

Ahiru House?

Lilie My, I wonder where Ahiru's house is...

Ahiru Oh, the lake...

P&L Lake?

Ahiru No, well, I mean it's out by the lake.

Pique Then it's not in town?

Ahiru Yeah.

Lilie All the houses here in town are really old, huh?

Neko Now then, this concludes the regular class's lesson.

Continuing on...

Individual lessons for the advanced class will be starting now, so please leave with haste!

If you're slow about it, you will have to marry me!

Pique Yagiko-sensei seems to be being slow about it...

Lilie I guess you'll have to marry her...

Ahiru Mytho.

P&L Chance!

Pique They're wonderful, just as usual.

Lilie Looks like there's no chance for you to step in, huh?

Pique Don't be disappointed, Ahiru!

Lilie That's right! You knew it was this way from the beginning!

Ahiru I know...

...that Mytho looks good with Rue-chan.

I know...

...I'm just a duck.

Mytho How you feel about me...

I want to know that.

Ahiru I know... I feel about Mytho.

But I can't say it.

Drossel If you become princess Tutu, you can save the prince.

But if you confess your love, you'll disappear in a flash of light!

Ahiru I know...

...but my heart is suffering.

Rue You don't have to change.

You're just fine as you are...

...but for some reason you try to change.

I don't want to change.

I want to stay like this forever...

Princess Tutu!

Fakir Just why do I have to be afraid?

How worthless! "The Prince and the Raven"...

What is written here is Mytho's story.

Trying to protect all weak things...

...and hurting himself...

...even going so far as to lose his heart. That is the prince's fate.

Only that.

Edel There is happiness for those who accept their fate.

There is glory for those who fight against their fate.

Fakir You're...

Edel The story is continuing.

The story is living.

Fakir This is...!

You're saying that this is my fate?

Edel Should I feel pity for Rue?



Or maybe...

Ahiru Rue-chan's en pointe...

It's really pretty!

You and Mytho always dance wonderfully together.

I'd like to do that too, but it's impossible for me!

Rue Did you want something?

Ahiru Well... Well...

Earlier, you said "Princess Tutu"...

Rue Why are you bringing up something so pointless?

I don't care about that old fairy tale.

Ahiru You're the Rue-chan I know!

Rue Of course I am!

I don't change.

If you don't need anything, you can go on.

Ahiru I don't really need anything.

Umm, I think the person who first danced en pointe must have been amazing!

Don't you think so?

Rue Do you know what happened to the toeshoes of the first ballerina to dance en pointe?

Ahiru Wha? No...

Rue They got eaten.

Ahiru What?!

Rue By the people who worshipped that ballerina.

Ahiru That seems kinda crazy.

Rue It's just a pointless legend.

Ahiru Huh?

Rue Strange.

Ahiru No way! Where? What?!

Rue Talking like this, with another girl... I've never done it before.

Ahiru Ahh... you don't hate it, do you?

Rue I might not hate it.

Ahiru Ah, that's good!

We'll be even better friends in the future, right?

Rue Really?

Ahiru Hey, Rue-chan, teach me about dancing en pointe?

Rue Why do I have to teach you?

Ahiru Because we're friends!

Rue You really have no shame.

Ahiru Rue-chan?

Rue What?

Ahiru Is that girl your friend too?

Rue Huh? Which girl?

Ahiru She disappeared!


Neko Now then, that finishes today's lect-

Class Goodbye, Rue-san.

Rue Have a good day.

Pique Work hard staying after school today!

Lilie Well, worrying is what makes you Ahiru, so don't take it too hard!

Rue Ahiru, You're not leaving yet?

Ahiru No, I have to stay after school today.

Rue I see.


Ahiru That girl from earlier...

She went into the art building.

I guess she's studying drawing.

Ahiru Rue-chan!



Rue Why was there such a long pause there?!

Ahiru Besides, we've been talking and walking together so much, we're already friends!

So, Rue-chan!

After all, you're just like a real princess, Rue-chan...

You two look really good together, so I'm sure you'll get the golden apple.

You two look really good together...

Rue Look good together?

Neko That is nothing more than your mistaken impression.

Even if you need me, I don't need you at all!

Rue The person I need is Mytho...

But the person that Mytho needs is...

Princess Tutu...

Mytho How do I feel about you, Fakir?

When I think about Rue...

And when I think about Tutu...

Each one brings different feelings.

I'm going, Fakir.

Fakir You're kidding, right?

Mytho I'm serious.

Fakir What are you going to do when you meet with her?

Mytho She might know something about Tutu.

Fakir Mytho is changing...

Into a Mytho I don't know.

Neko That is something that cannot be helped.

We think of things differently.

Even our tastes in food are completely different.

So, I don't want to marry you!

I have no intention of changing my will!

Fakir My... will?

Neko Do you understand now, Yagiko-sensei?

Ahiru Hello!

mln You're from the ballet section?

Ahiru Umm, I'm really bad at drawing!

mln That's because you're a ballet student.

Ahiru I'm really bad at ballet too...

mln Is that so? I'm sorry.

Ahiru Ah, don't worry about it.

Can I see for a bit?

Wow, how wonderful! It's a drawing of Rue.

It must be nice to be able to draw so well!

Ah, you drew these too, didn't you?

Malen Yes.

Wha? They're all drawings of Rue-chan?

Ah, but Rue-chan is really pretty.

I can understand that!

Oh, your name is written here.

Your name is Malen-chan?

What a cute name!

I'm Ahiru.

Malen I don't know why.

I really don't even know why, myself.

I always liked to use Rue-chan as a model for my drawings...

But before, I also wanted to draw fruits and scenery, and lots of other things as well!

But now...

I can't draw anything but Rue-san.

Rue Princess Tutu...

Princess Tutu is going to change everything.

She's going to change Mytho.

At this rate, Mytho will be drawn away from me.

I can't allow that!

Drossel So what are you going to do about it?

Rue What?

Drossel A beautiful, black swan.

Who is the protagonist of this story?

Princess Tutu?

Or is it princess Kraehe?

Rue Princess Kraehe?

Malen When I try to draw other things, it hurts!

Drossel A story does not need two protagonists.

The prince does not need two princesses.

Now, let me hear the rest of the story.

Tutu Let us dance together, Malen-chan.

Malen Who are you? I can't dance...

Tutu It will be fine.

Just dance as you please.

The cause of your pain is a false feeling that is inside your heart.

I will draw it out for you.

If I do that, you will be able to draw the pictures you like again!

Malen Really?

Tutu Yes, you can return to the original Malen-chan.

Malen Thank you.

Rue I just want to continue being as I am, without changing.

Again, princess Tutu... changing Mytho.

Fakir What's this?

Mytho Tutu, where are you?

Tutu What feeling are you?

Feeling I am the feeling of obsession.

Tutu You are a piece of the heart that the prince lost.

Kraehe The feeling of obsession, you say?

Tutu Kraehe!

Kraehe I won't allow you to return this to Mytho!

Tutu What are you going to do?

Kraehe Who knows? What should I do now?

Tutu YOu can't!

Kraehe Don't think about returning any more pieces of heart to the prince, understand?

Tutu But the prince...

The prince said he wants his heart returned!

Mytho Princess Tutu!

Thank goodness, I finally found you!


Kraehe Why? Why do you look at me with those eyes?



Tutu Kraehe?

What's wrong?

Kraehe Don't come near me!


I'm not needed.

Tutu Kraehe...

Why are you in such pain?

If I can help you...

Kraehe Who is Kraehe?

Tutu Fakir!

Fakir Disappear! You monster raven!

Kraehe Raven...

That's right, I am a raven...

...and I am also the real prima donna, princess Kraehe!

What I want, I will take by force if I must.


Ahiru Mytho and Kraehe's wedding?

And the witness is Fakir...

Fakir All of the legends that I heard from you are becoming real!

Charon You shouldn't get involved in this abominable story any more than you already are!

Fakir Calling you "the prince" is kind of weird, so how about we call you "Mytho"?

Are you going to where Kraehe is?

Mytho I have a feeling that I shouldn't run away from this.

Kraehe How's this, princess Tutu? Don't we look good together?

Drossel Children who love stories, come over here!

New music for Act 9

Modest Mussorgsky "Pictures at an Exhibition"

Frederic Chopin

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart "The Marriage of Figaro"